Step 1: Complete the Application Form
Successfully complete the application form. After a successful application is received you will then be invited to audition.
Step 2: Complete a successful audition
At the auditions you will be asked to prepare a short stage script that is sent to you in advance via email. You will also be asked to sight read a TV script, which is emailed 24 hours before your audition. Your audition is 15 minutes and your scene partner will be an actor currently studying with StandBy Method Acting Studio.
You will also have a short interview to discuss your application further
If you are successful in the first round of auditions you will be invited to a final group audition. You will perform the same 2 scenes with another auditioner and receive direction on the scenes by our expert tutors.
You will also be asked to share a two minute monologue of your choice.
There is a £40 audition fee, which is deducted from the course price for all students offered a place on the programme.