
What makes a successful actor?

What makes a successful actor?

Success is different for everyone, whether it be winning an Oscar, working consistently enough to pay the bills or something in between the two, only you know what success will feel like for you (ooo that rhymed!). So WHAT makes a successful actor? All successful people, no matter what industry they are in have these four …

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7 tips to improve your acting CV

Your acting CV is one of your marketing tools, so it seems obvious that it should sell you. When writing or editing your CV it’s important to see it from an objective perspective and put yourself in the shoes of an agent or casting director. If you had received your CV among hundreds of others, …

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The Art of Auditions

The art of auditions

Auditions should be easy considering the training we have undergone to improve our craft and ourselves, yet so many actors struggle with them. Why? Because auditions are a whole different kettle of fish, and are very often not about the craft of acting but about the business of acting. When I first graduated from drama school I …

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Why you need to forget about emotions

Why you need to forget about emotions

One of the main concerns for actors is “feeling the emotion”. Lots of actors believe they haven’t given a good performance unless they “felt it”. I used to be one of those actors too so completely understand the thought process behind it, but I wanted to share with you why that’s not a healthy way of thinking and …

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What casting directors want to see

What casting directors want to see

Sending your CV to casting directors can be pretty much like sending it off into a black hole. Once it’s gone it’s gone. That can be frustrating and cause constant ruminating for many actors. Today we’re going to explore what casting directors want to see to stop you going round and round in circles with the questions/worries below …

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Why rejection is good

Why rejection is good

We’ve all been there; had an audition, really, really wanted the part – then nothing. We wait for days hoping and praying for a call, but in our heart of hearts we know it’s gone to someone else. We ask for feedback – nothing. It’s only when we see the show/programme that we get the …

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The fear of never making it

The fear of never making it

I come across lots (lots being an understatement) of aspiring actors with big dreams of quitting their day jobs and jumping from role to role, living the high life of an actor. I will take a guess that 99% of those very same people who talk a good game quit. Why? Because of the fear …

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Should you work for free?

Should you work for free?

Working for free is a subject that causes a lot of debate within the acting industry. I see it talked about in lots of acting groups and I speak about it with my own acting students regularly. The thing is, many actors want to build up their credits and profile but that can be difficult when …

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