
Audition blunders to avoid

Audition blunders to avoid

Share your honest thoughts on this type of training (and get your gift at the end): The director puts on a fake smile and says thanks it was lovely to meet you, and yet the moment that actor is out of the room they can relax and cross their fingers that the next audition is …

Audition blunders to avoid Read More »

Successful actors don't do this - drop them immediately!

Successful actors don’t do this – drop them immediately!

Open the doors to your dreams with intensive, part-time Method Acting training. Applications close Thurs 29th June – check out the training HERE or go straight to the application form HERE What does it REALLY take to become a paid, working actor? Is there something specific that those who are working are doing or are they just lucky …

Successful actors don’t do this – drop them immediately! Read More »

How to effortlessly release the character after the shoot

LAST CHANCE TO GET MORE DOORS OPENED QUICKER in the FREE 2 hour online workshop, COMPLETE CHARACTER TRANSFORMATION: 5 free places left here: Letting go of the character can be hard for some actors, you’ve put so much time, ebergy and thought into it, that going back to reality can be quite difficult.  You may …

How to effortlessly release the character after the shoot Read More »

The quickest way to mess up auditions

Talent is the foundation of everything, without it, an acting career will stagnate, but there are 4 things that stunts the growth of your skills. These are explained in the podcast

Capture your best self-tape audition in 3 takes

Capture your best self-tape audition in 3 takes

Talent is the foundation of everything, without it, an acting career will stagnate, but there are 4 things that stunts the growth of your skills. These are explained in the podcast

How to market yourself for TV work

How to market yourself for TV work

Talent is the foundation of everything, without it, an acting career will stagnate, but there are 4 things that stunts the growth of your skills. These are explained in the podcast