Pre-performance prep you should never miss!

Pre-performance prep you should never miss

DOWNLOAD THE METHOD ACTORS HANDBOOK directly to your phone as your go to acting guide  to bring more life to your performances and simplify getting your foot in the door

Whilst you’re an unknown actor it’s important you’re doing all you can to deliver your most authentic performances to stand out and get your foot in more doors. 



There’s a key technique you NEED in all scenes – both improvised and scripted – that will help you deliver performances with more soul, life, feeling and edge. Because when you do this, not only do you improve your performances you also develop the belief that you ARE a professional actor.


Many actors get confused by this Method Acting technique or plain don’t use it at all, which leads to their scenes becoming mechanical and generic. But you’re smarter than that!!


In this episodeof Unstoppable Actors  you’ll 


  • Discover this must use technique and why it’s important you always use it
  • Learn how to use it properly so you feel confident exploring it before auditions and performances to enhance them
  • Get an example of the right and wrong way to use this technique so you can try it out yourself and know you’re doing it properly
  • Raise the bar with your performances, showing directors and casting directors exactly why they should cast you!


Dive in to your Method Acting lesson, and if you get lots of value from it, leave a review. 


2 thoughts on “Pre-performance prep you should never miss!”

  1. Thank you so much, such helpful information and advice. My Actors Thesaurus is now on its way from amazon. I’m currently in the very early stages of my acting journey, but, I am very grateful for any of these golden nuggets of advice which will help boost me along the way. I appreciate your kind help. Cheers.

  2. You’re very welcome. I’m so glad the podcasts are helping you! Enjoy The Actors Thesaurus. It’s a brilliant tool! Louise

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