Why Regular Acting Classes Miss The Mark

Open the doors to your acting dreams and get your foot in more doors. Learn The Animal Exercise to create stand out characters that get you to your first or next paid acting role quicker! WHAT’S THIS ABOUT?

Regular acting classes miss the mark simply because they’re overlooking the key things early career actors need. 

And this is dangerous because it leads to new actors repeating the same detrimental mistakes and embedding bad habits in them. 

But how?

In this episode you’ll discover 

  • Why this is happening.
  • A deeper insight into the specifics of what regular acting classes are missing
  • What early career actors need
  • How this can be overcome

It’s a longer episode than usual, but if you’re serious about becoming an Unstoppable Actor, and have a keen interest in Method Acting, this epiode has your name all over it



FREE THE ESSENTIAL METHOD ACTING HANDBOOK: http://pages.standbymethod.com/freeactingbook

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