THE step-by-step to starting your acting career (and landing an agent)

THE step-by-step to starting your acting career (and landing an agent)

  It’s another looooong day, time is draaaaging and the thought of being on a stage, film set or television set captivates your mind and soul once more. The excitement stampedes through your veins and you just KNOW you have to do something about your acting dreams.   But, erm, what the hell do you …

THE step-by-step to starting your acting career (and landing an agent) Read More »

5 steps to silence your highly dangerous inner critics now

5 steps to silence your highly dangerous inner critic… now

    Mid-scene inner critic monologues wreak havoc on your performances. And they are blocking your ability to truly connect to your roles on a heart-to-heart level. Listen to today’s episode to eliminate those critical voices in 5 simple steps. You’ll 1. Discover what happens when you keep doing this (it’s not good) 2. Realise …

5 steps to silence your highly dangerous inner critic… now Read More »

How a rebel aspiring actor found paid work by breaking the rules

How a rebel aspiring actor found paid work by breaking the rules

  If you feel, in your soul, that no other job can make you as happy as an acting career would, and you know you need to follow this feeling to live a fulfilling life with purpose and passion… Yet, you’re sometimes riddled with the “rational” doubts that society throws around: “acting isn’t a proper job”, …

How a rebel aspiring actor found paid work by breaking the rules Read More »

How to capture the best headshot so you get called into the audition room

    There’s a specific art to headshots that get you called into the audition room and whether you’ve had none done or you’ve had hundreds… This episode is a DO NOT MISS from a MASTER photographer who offers the juicy details that casting directors wish you knew!    HOW TO CAPTURE THE BEST HEADSHOTS …

How to capture the best headshot so you get called into the audition room Read More »

How to FINALLY tell your parents you’re pursuing acting even if you’re terrified

    If that 9-5 crushes your soul every single day, it’s time to let your parents know that you long to be on stage! Don’t worry, though. They’re not going to lose it at the thought of you wanting to do something so unconventional… Not if you use the 5 powerful tips I share …

How to FINALLY tell your parents you’re pursuing acting even if you’re terrified Read More »